Lesson 5

5.1 Possessive Adjectives: In Coptic, possessive adjectives are constructed from the characters denoting the definite article 'p, t, n' and an attached personal pronoun. So the first part defines the gender and number of the noun and the second part defines the person possessing such noun. Coptic recognizes eight persons, five in the singular and three in the plural. These adjectives are usually prefixed to the noun they modify, as follows:

Person   Masculine Feminine Plural
s-1-mf pa.iwt my father ta.cwni my sister na.io] my fathers
s-2-m pek.iwt your father tek.cwni your sister nek.io] your fathers
s-2-f pe.iwt your father te.cwni your sister ne.io] your fathers
s-3-m pef.iwt his father tef.cwni his sister nef.io] his fathers
s-3-f pec.iwt her father tec.cwni her sister nec.io] her fathers
p-1-mf pen.iwt our father ten.cwni our sister nen.io] our fathers
p-2-mf peten.iwt your father teten.cwni your sister neten.io] your fathers
p-3-mf pou.iwt their father tou.cwni their sister nou.io] their fathers

Legend: s= singular, p= plural, m= masculine, f= feminine

5.2 Demonstrative Adjectives - Nearer Objects: Demonstrative adjectives for nearer objects are prefixed to the nouns they modify. They also serve as the definite article for the noun. Consequently they are, like the definite article, identified by the three characters 'p' for the masculine 't' for the feminine, and 'n' for the plural. In English they are translated as 'this' for singular and 'these' for plural. Their forms are as follows:

Masculine Singular Feminine Singular Plural
pai- tai- nai-
pai.rwmi tai.chimi nai.cn/ou

Note: After a noun with a demonstrative adjective, the genitive case is usually expressed by 'nte', as follows:

pai.jwm nte pa.con This book of my brother


5.3 The Infix '-ke-': This is a noninflectional word element that is inserted between the noun prefix and the noun. In English it expresses the meaning 'other'. It is used with the definite or indefinite articles, the demonstrative adjectives, and the possessive adjectives, as follows:

pi.ke.rwmi the other man
ni.ke.rwmi the other men
ke.rwmi anothor man
han.ke.rwmi some other men
pai.ke.rwmi this other man
pa.ke.rwmi my other man



5.4 Vocabulary 5:

/rp m. wine nca prep. behind, against
io] pl. parents, ancestors cn/ou pl. brothers, monks
iwt m. father con m. brother, monk
ma m. place cwni f. sister
mau f. mother wik m. bread
nobi m. sin qaten prep. near, beside

Greek Nouns

agora f. marketplace kocmoc m. world
entol/ f. commandment mona,oc m. monk
epickopoc m. bishop hir/n/ f. peace

5.5 Exercises 5: Translate the following into English:

A 1. nca nef.may/t/c 4. qen tou.polic
  2. eybe ten.cwni 5. nem tef.seri
  3. nahren pen.[oic 6. qen pai.kocmoc
B 1. ni.entol/ n.nen.io] 5. pi.ro m.pe.ke./i
  2. qaten tek.ekkl/cia 6. tai.epictol/ nte pauloc
  3. pi.ro m.pek./i 7. eybe nen.nobi
  4. pi./rp n.nai.mona,oc 8. qen ].agora n.].polic
C 1. pen.iwt et.qen ni.v/oui 3. mmon hir/n/ qen pai.kocmoc
  2. ouon ou.qello hiren tek.ekkl/cia 4. pa.iwt nem ta.mau qen p./i

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